criminological characteristics, the identity of the offender in the field of credit relations, the structure of the identity of the offenderAbstract
Crimes committed in the field of credit relations, by their characteristics, relate to economic crime. The latter, in turn, is characterized by a high level of latency and is the cause of economic instability, as well as mistrust of foreign investors. Economic crimes are also called “white-collar workers” precisely because the identity of the offender is characterized by additional characteristics and a level of intelligence compared to persons who commit other types of crimes. Therefore, for the effective disclosure of crimes in the credit sphere, it is necessary to understand well the nature of the personality of the criminal, which should also be of a preventive nature.
The purpose of the article is to study the nature and provide the criminological characteristics of persons who are subjects of committing crimes in the credit sphere for the effective disclosure and prevention of this category of crimes.
The article explores the views of various scholars on determining the identity of the criminal as a whole, analyzes the report of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukranian for the January-December 2018 commission of crimes provided for in Article 190, 222 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The socio-demographic, socio-role, moral-psychological and criminal-legal features of the personality structure of the criminal in the field of credit relations are investigated. The proposed own definition of a criminal in the field of credit relations.
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