voters, parties, proportional electoral system from the hard lists; proportional electoral system preferences; the proportional electoral system with semirigid listsAbstract
The article is devoted to topical issues related to the concept of «proportional electoral system and the characteristic of its species. When using the proportional electoral system increases the possibility of realization of the political parties, through the relevant government agencies, their program goals and attitudes.
It is noted that depending on how determined the number of votes required for election of a candidate, there are: the proportional electoral system from the hard lists; proportional electoral system preferences; the proportional electoral system with semi-rigid lists.
Analyzed problems that have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the proportional electoral system. The focus is on positive and negative traits of a proportional system with a rigid lists; preferences; with semi-rigid lists.
Available, taking into account different ways of electoral systems, which is the simplest to apply in Ukraine, can be the introduction of a proportional electoral system with the regional lists.
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