
  • Olena Narozhna



the subject of forensic science, law enforcement agencies, forensic tactics, guidelines, criminal proceedings, regularity


The article discusses the scientific points of view set forth in the forensic literature, which contain an analysis of the patterns that it is advisable to include in its subject. The author substantiates the position according to which the subject of the science of forensic science should not be expanded, including recommendations addressed to some participants in the criminal process. It is also considered incorrect to extend such recommendations beyond the limits of criminal proceedings. Some modern ideas about the subject of criminology are highlighted, the possibility of studying the issues of systematization of the evidence base within the framework of criminology is considered. It is stated that the controversy around the subject of criminology has grown into a discussion about the advisability of expanding its subject area. It seems that the tendency to expand the subject of criminology beyond the limits of criminal law relations is not entirely justified, since its main purpose is to contribute to the fight against crime. It is known that the emergence of criminology as a science is due to the needs of the practice of combating crime, while its task was to promote this fight with theories and practical recommendations developed by science. The problem of changing scientific approaches to the concept and content of the subject of forensic science requires constant attention from scientists and specialists, which will allow timely response to the urgent needs of forensic investigation and expert practice.However, the blurring of the boundaries of the subject of forensic science in all areas will inevitably lead to a rethinking of the subject, object, goals and objectives, as well as, possibly, reconstruction and replacement of the name with a non-forensic concept. This is due to the fact that going beyond the scope of the subject of science turns it into another science or even another field of knowledge. The author believes that the tendency to expand the subject of criminology beyond criminal law relations is not entirely justified, since, as a field of scientific knowledge, it has always served the needs of the practice of combating crime.


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