
  • I. N. Stoikov


occupation, rights and freedoms, condition of observance of rights and freedoms


The article is considered the condition of observance of basic rights and freedoms of citizens in the occupied territory of Ukraine, that based on an analysis of the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine, which are designed to protect the constitutional rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens during the conflict in the east of Ukraine and in the occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The state of observance of the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens in the occupied territories of Ukraine is also characterized on the basis of the collected and received statistical data from the competent authorities, which are managers of information in the field of the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens in the occupied territories of Ukraine.
The state of ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens is the most important criterion for assessing the overall functioning of the state, indicating its democratic (or undemocratic) character. In Ukraine, this problem becomes extremely important. The characteristic of the state of ensuring the rights and freedoms of the individual makes it possible to consider not only the effectiveness of social institutions, but also the general position of the state – political, military and economic. Proof of this is the difficulty in effectively ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, which has resulted in the actual impossibility of deploying full-fledged, coordinated actions of organs and institutions whose activities are aimed at protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, which is accompanied by crises in all spheres of public activity of the state.


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