information and telecommunication technologies, information and communication system, digitalization, public administration, subjects of public administration, justice, e-governance, e-government, e-justice, e-criminal proceedingsAbstract
The article is devoted to the disclosure of the peculiarities of the implementation of information and telecommunication technologies in public administration and justice. It has been established that the process of building a "digital state" takes place both in the public (electronic governance) and private sectors and consists in the use of information and telecommunication technologies in various spheres of public life. In particular, e-governance is aimed, first of all, at improving telecommunication relations between the state and private individuals in order to meet their needs, which generally contributes to the implementation in the field of public administration of such important principles of government activity as the principle of openness and transparency and the principle of respect for rights a person It was found that having several important areas of its implementation (e-parliament, e-business, e-education, e-health, e-culture, e-education, etc.), e-governance is most important in the areas of public administration ( e-government) and justice (e-justice). It was established that over the last decade in Ukraine, a number of important normative legal acts were adopted (both at the level of laws and by-laws), as well as a number of legal institutions and mechanisms were created for the introduction of information and telecommunication technologies into the life of society, however, the process of introducing the concept digital state in the spheres of public administration and justice is accompanied by the presence of a large number of problems that need to be solved in the near future. It is emphasized that the use of information and telecommunication technologies in the activities of public administration entities ensures not only the quality of their activities, but also aims to minimize personal communication between a public-authority entity and a private person, because the absence of such relations is one of the factors preventing corruption in our country. The use of information and telecommunication technologies in the field of justice pursues the following goals: improving the quality and efficiency of justice; maximum provision of the rights and freedoms of a person within the framework of court proceedings. It has been established that the process of introducing information and telecommunication technologies into criminal justice today faces obstacles: a) generally civilizational; b) technological; c) legal; d) worldview.
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