lawsuit, statement of claim, claim requirements, requirements to the statementofclaimAbstract
The subject of research in the article are the concepts of “lawsuit”, “statement of claim” and “claim requirements” in economic legal process. The lawsuit is one of the main institutions of economic-procedural law. Thus, a claim is understood as a claim that the claimant declares to the defendant about the protection of his violated or disputed right or interest protected by law. This requirement is presented in the form of a statementof claim. A statementof claim is understood as a procedural document that is filed with a court and must comply with the requirements of procedural law. With the entry into force of the new edition of the Economic Procedural Code of Ukraine, the requirements for filing claims were significantly tightened. Such changes led to the formalization of the first stage of economic legal process – the opening of the proceedings, which is contrary to the practice of the European Court of Human Rights.
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