single citizenship, dual nationality, multiple nationality, statelessnessAbstract
Article 4 of the Constitution of Ukraine reads as follows: “There shall be single citizenship in Ukraine. Grounds for obtaining and termination of Ukraine’s citizenship shall be determined by law”. Article 2(1) of the Law of Ukraine “On Citizenship of Ukraine” interprets the principle of single citizenship contained in the Constitution as follows:
– Individual administrative-territorial units cannot have their own citizenship;
– If a Ukrainian citizen has obtained the nationality of another state, he/she shall be regarded only as a Ukrainian citizen in his/her relations with Ukraine;
– If a foreigner has obtained Ukraine’s nationality, he/she shall be regarded only as a Ukrainian citizen in his/her relations with Ukraine.
The principle of single citizenship is not equivalent to the prohibition of dual/multiple nationality in Ukrainian law. Rather, it is a matter of notrecognising the legal consequences of foreign citizenship(s) in the case of individuals who have Ukrainian citizenship.
However, Ukraine lacks a uniform approach to theunderstanding and application of this principle. Such uniformity can be achieved either by means of interpretation of Article 4 of the Constitution by the Constitutional Court or by amending the Constitution with a more detailed wording of the principle of single citizenship which would articulate its exact meaning.
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