intelligence activity, principlesof intelligence activity, signs of intelligence activity, national safetyAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the legislative definition of intelligence activities, as well as the regulation of the principles of its implementation in Ukraine. In the course of the study, there was a discrepancy in the current world trends in the implementation of intelligence activities. Today, the system of legal regulation of intelligence activities in Ukraine requires deep modernization, as well as more detailed regulation of the powers of intelligence agencies. The necessity of determining the range of information that can not relate to intelligence information, as well as the establishment of procedures for action in case of receipt of such information by intelligence agencies. A clear distinction should also be established between the methods of intelligence activity and the general methods of conducting operational investigative activities. The article describes the proposals for bringing the regulatory framework to the principles of the implementation of intelligence activities in line with the practical activities of intelligence agencies in Ukraine and the general global trends in the regulation of intelligence institutions.
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