
  • Olha Priieshkina



Constitution of Ukraine, Declaration of human rights, rights and freedoms, international legal standards, implementation


The article is devoted to the essence of international legal standards of human rights, their implementation in national legislation. The relevance of this research at the current stage of the development of our state is substantiated, which consists, first, in a clearly formed foreign policy course for joining the EU and NATO, and, second, in the need to face new challenges of building a democratic legal state in the conditions of a full-scale war and a direct threat state sovereignty and state integrity of the country. In the course of the study, it was substantiated that today in independent Ukraine, the problem of real provision of human and citizen rights and freedoms is of particular importance, which is closely related both to the insufficient level of observance of the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution by the state, and to the insufficient level of their protection from offenses. The analysis of the systematic study shows that the dynamics of the adaptation of the legislation of Ukraine to the legislation of the European Union highlighted the importance of the function of determining the influence of the Constitution's norms on social relations in the conditions of the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine, determined the meaning of the concept of "constitutional regulation", which is an indicator of the importance of adopting and amending the Constitution of Ukraine in modern crisis realities. Particular attention is paid to the issues of the historical evolution of the constitutional regulation of human rights and freedoms in Ukraine, a comparative analysis of the constitutional regulation of rights and freedoms in Ukraine at different stages is carried out, the positive aspects of the current state of constitutional rights and freedoms in Ukraine are determined, especially in the context of establishing new types of rights, such as environmental and informational rights. It has been proven that the theory of recognition of human dignity, which is an integrative property of human nature, is spreading in our country, and the problem of implementing international legal standards into the national legislation of Ukraine still requires the consolidated activity of all state authorities and local self-government bodies.


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