Example of article design

UDC 342.565.5


Levenets Anzhela Viktorivna
Candidate of Law Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law and Justice,
Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1941-513X

The article examines the issue of bringing judges to disciplinary responsibility in the aspect of ensuring their integrity. The current state of regulatory regulation of disciplinary liability of judges is analyzed, the dependence of disciplinary penalties on specific types of disciplinary offenses is determined...
Key words: judge's integrity, disciplinary responsibility, burden of proof of guilt, international standards of judge's responsibility, presumption of innocence.

Левенець Анжела. Дисциплінарна відповідальність у механізмі забезпечення доброчесності судді: національний та міжнародний контексти
У статті досліджуються питання притягнення суддів до дисциплінарної відповідальності в аспекті забезпечення їхньої доброчесності. Проаналізовано сучасний стан нормативного регулювання дисциплінарної відповідальності суддів,  визначено залежність дисциплінарних стягнень від конкретних  видів дисциплінарних проступків...
Ключові слова: доброчесність судді, дисциплінарна відповідальність, тягар доведення вини, міжнародні стандарти відповідальності судді, презумпція невинуватості.

Introduction. One of the most essential demands of modern Ukrainian society is the demand for honest civil servants, especially honest judges. The definition of integrity as one of the eligibility criteria for a candidate for the post of judge was constitutionally enshrined as a result of the judicial reform of 2016, but in fact became a logical continuation of the renewal of the entire political system of the state after the events of the Revolution of Dignity in 2013-2014...

Materials and methods. Well-known domestic and foreign scientists, including V. Boyko, L. Moskvych, O.O. Punda, O.V. Kohut, V.V. Richter, A. Muzychenko. However, the study of the institution of the judge's responsibility in the aspect of ensuring integrity is a new problem for domestic science, taking into account the novelty of the phenomenon of integrity itself and the existing difficulties in understanding its content and requirements...

The purpose of the study is to analyze the disciplinary responsibility of a judge as an element of ensuring the integrity of the entire judicial body, to determine the grounds and principles of applying the disciplinary responsibility of a judge based on a comparison of the practice of national and international courts. The methods of carrying out scientific research are comparative-legal, systemic analysis, as well as formal-legal and systemic-structural.

The results. Disciplinary responsibility of a judge is an important element of his legal status. Chapter VI of the Law of Ukraine "On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges" regulates the grounds for disciplinary liability of judges, procedures for disciplinary proceedings and types of disciplinary sanctions, and specific features of their application.

Conclusions. The issues of disciplinary responsibility of judges were and remain among the most complex and relevant in the system of the constitutional and legal status of a judge as a bearer of state power...


1. Музиченко А. Порушення правил суддівської етики – підстава дисциплінарної відповідальності судді: межі застосування. Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Юридичні науки. 2011. № 87. С. 84–87


1. Muzychenko A. (2011). Porushennia pravyl suddivskoi etyky – pidstava dystsyplinarnoi vidpovidalnosti suddi: mezhi zastosuvannia [Violation of the rules of judicial ethics - the basis of disciplinary responsibility of a judge: limits of application]. Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Yurydychni nauky. 87, рр. 84–87 [in Ukrainian].