



coercive measures, economic sanctions, effectiveness of sanctions, enforcement, legitimacy, sanctions implementation, United Nations


The enforcement of international legal obligations through coercive measures, particularly economic sanctions, has become increasingly central in contemporary international law due to widespread violations of these obligations. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has adopted economic sanctions as a key tool to compel States to comply with international legal norms, thereby maintaining international peace and security. Despite their significance, the use of economic sanctions by UNSC is fraught with significant complexities and challenges, including issues of legality and effectiveness. Existing research largely focuses on these issues but often overlooks critical questions related to the domestic implementation of economic sanctions. This study examines the multifaceted problems associated with the application of UNSC economic sanctions from the perspective of both international and national law. It builds on existing literature and employs systematic, analytical, and documentary methods to investigate these issues. Key findings include such UNSC economic sanctions application challenges, which arise at the international level, as the blocking of UNSC resolutions through veto power; delays in its adoption; inconsistencies between UNSC resolutions and international law; vague language of these international legal acts. Other problems include those that arise at the national level, such as refusal to implement, improper or delayed implementation of UNSC resolutions within domestic legal orders due to the peculiarities of UN Member States’ legislative processes, vague wording in UNSC resolutions, lack of a Member State’s capacity, resources, or political will to effectively implement economic sanctions; absence of constant monitoring of economic sanctions application; ineffective enforcement of these coercive measures and the lack of coordinated efforts among UN Member States in these areas. The research highlights the need for enhanced focus on national implementation of UNSC economic sanctions, stressing the importance of adopting enabling legislation, establishing a coherent system of national bodies, and improving coordination among UN Member States. Addressing these issues is crucial for ensuring the effective application of UNSC sanctions and fulfilling obligations under the UN Charter.


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